Download, unzip and go!

Are you interested in topics such as IoT Device Management or Safeguarding Assets and Disaster Recovery? Download an trial environment filled with sample data and test how to connect a device from your device landscape to octoplant, set up a job and restore an existing backup.

  • No installation required.
  • Ends automatically after 30 days.
  • Trial period extension possible at any time.

Do you also have an interest in the functionalities of Business Intelligence and Threat Protection (octoplant pro hub)?

If so, please select the field in the form, and we look forward to explaining these to you in a brief 1:1 session.

Published: July 11, 2023



VERSION: 101.2.3

FILE SIZE: 931.79 MB
SHA256: 3f1ee5ccd273f681b725d169267e32