KB-124768: Admin Overview reports

Admin Overview reports

The following reports are available in the Admin Overview module.

Name Description Typical questions this report can answer
Client Systems Displays an overview about all connected client systems and their usage. What client systems are connected to my octoplant pro hub? ; When was a client system last used? ; What operating system is a client system using? ; What operating system is used the most? ; What client system is used the most? ; Which client version is running the client system?
Users & Groups Displays information about the different users and user groups on the octoplant server and how the users are distributed. Do a lot of users have admin rights, although this would not be necessary?
Server Utilization Displays information related to server utilization, including, but not limited to an overview showcasing the current degree of utilization of the connected octoplant server system, and how the last jobs performed. How did the last jobs run? ; What is the current distribution of different values such as created components, etc.?

Last update: August 21, 2023

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