KB-126844: Exporting users and groups

Exporting users and groups

The UserManagement export type creates a summary of the users and groups that have been created in the User management module.

The generated output of this export can be as an XML or JSON file.

In addition to the keys described in the Parameter file section, there are also other keys (listed below), which can be used for this specific export type.

Key Values


Defines whether to group by users or by groups. The following values are possible:

• Users: It is grouped by users.

• Groups: It is grouped by groups (default value).


Specifies whether users already deleted from the system are listed during export.

• Y: Users that have already been deleted will be exported.

• N: Users that have already been deleted will not be exported (default value).

Example call:

VDogAutoExport.exe  "/rd:D:vdClientArchive" "/CFile:D:TestUserManagement.ini"

Parameter file UserManagement.ini



List of attributes that can be found in the resulting file

XML Descriptio
`<root&gt Starting point of the lis
<Users&gt Information about the users!!! note This element is only displayed if the value Users is entered in the key UmGroupedBy, in the parameter file.
<User&gt Admin=”… User that has administration right
Phone=”… User telephone numbe
EmailAddress=”… User email addres
FullName=”… Contains the full name of the use
Domain=”… Domain the user is part o
LastEditedLocal=”…” Shows when changes to the user were last made (local time).
LastEditedUTC=”… Shows when changes to the user were last made (UTC)
ID=”… Unique ID of the user (in GUID format
Comment=”… Comment about the use
Name=”… User nam
<Usergroups&gt Information about the group!!! note This element is only displayed if the value Groups is entered in the key UmGroupedBy, in the parameter file.
` LastEditedLocal=”…” Shows when changes to the group were last made (local time)
LastEditedUTC=”… Shows when changes to the group were last made (UTC)
ID=”… Unique ID of the group (in GUID format
Comment=”… Comment about the grou
Name=”… Name of the grou

Last update: September 15, 2023

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