KB-126948: Legato Interface

Legato Interface

The Legato interface for S7 in octoplant serves to facilitate the exchange of data and information between octoplant and Legato.

TheLegato Interfaceinitially focuses on providing support for Siemens S7 projects. Each time a new version is checked in on the octoplant server, octoplant carries out a data export via the Legato Interface. The export function is used in particular to generate fault messages from plant controllers. These are then automatically imported directly into Legato. This removes the need for the manual maintenance of error messages in the Legato control system. It also ensures that the data in the control system is always up to date, even after changes have been made to PLC programs.Legato_Integration_Diagram.pngImage: Integration Legato interface

The Legato Interfaceoffers the following advantages for the user:

  • Automated data exchange between the two systems to replace the manual generation of PDIAG exports
  • Single solution for all versions of SIMATIC Manager and SIMATIC Manager projects
  • Consistency between the two systems and, with octoplant’s cyclical verification of whether the most recently checked in version on the server is the same as the version running on the controller, assurance that the transfer data is up to date.
  • Consistent and efficient data exchange for both new and existing S7 projects


The Legato interface is an add-on and needs to be activated separately in your license. If you are interested in using the Legato interface, contact us (https://auvesy.com/en/contact).

Last update: September 15, 2023

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