KB-127058: Job List

Job List

The report Job List shows an overview of all jobs that are present in the system.

Image: Report Job list


When in its initial state, the following report fields are visable: Component, Job name,Upload type, **Last

start**. All other fields can be viewed via the menu Additional report functions: Web_Report_menu.PNG

Change viewable columns.

Overview of the Job result report folder:

Component Display the component type
Component typ Shows the type of component (for example, control software, ASCCII file, PDF document)
Job nam Display the name of the jo
Uploa Type of software that is being uploaded onto the octoplantserver (for example, device specific software, FTP,Switch
Last start Date of last job execution
Timestamp backu Date of last job executio
Server version ↔ Backu Comparison results between Server version and Backup
Last change server version ↔ Backu This shows when the comparison results between the server version and backup were last change
Timestamp versio Displays the timestamp versio
Previous server version ↔ Backu Comparison between the previous backup and the current backup
Last change to the previous Backup ↔ Backu This shows when the comparison results between the previous and current backup were last changed.
Timestamp of previous backu Displays the timestamp of the previous backu
Execution status This indicates whether the execution is being carried out according to a schedule, manually or via a BackupClient.
Next star Shows the next planned start
Schedule Shows the pre-set schedule (for example, every day at 1:00)
Notfication List of all users, who are to be notified.
In the case of error Desired reaction when an error is encountered (for example, new execution, maximum permitted repeats)
Saving strategy Shows which strategy for backup saving has been selected (for example, only save Backup when it differs from the previous version)
Upload agen Agent on the client that creates a backup (for example, from a controller)
Comparison strategy Shows which comparison is configured (for example, content or length and structure)
Compare Agen Agent on the client which runs a comparison (for example, Server version ↔ Backup
Execution vi Shows the user’s name
Number of remaining Backups (Rollover Value for the number of retained backups. After reaching this value, the new Backup overwrites the oldest.
Warning when the Backup is older than the date, after a warning is activated when the backup overwrites the age entered.
Job I Unique Job ID

Last update: September 15, 2023

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