KB-127093: Configuring a routable gateway

Configuring a routable gateway

The gateway can be used to configure a routable gateway to H1, MPI or PROFIBUS. The gateway to H1, MPI or PROFIBUS may be extended by configuration in such a way that communication with an automation device that is only indirectly accessible via a head control is possible via the gateway.

Image: Diagram routing-capable gateway


  • A gateway to H1, MPI or PROFIBUS must be possible for the head PLC
  • The address of the head control is determined via the SubNetId in the job configuration of the AdminClient (field S7 Subnet ID under Access path details). If the SubNetID is not found, the fileVDogGateway.inican be configured to specify how the gateway will react

Section Key Value


This section is used to configure the gateway from TCP/IP to H1, MPI or PROFIBUS


Key for activating communication via RFC 1006


Default: Y

Example: Enabled=N


This section is used to configure routing via an S7 head controller


Key for configuring a routing path


n is an integer Id

{SubnetId},{Gateway address}

Required field

Example: Adr0=004C-0013,


The valid format of the SubNetId is: HHHH-HHHH, where H stands for a hexadecimal digit, there is no distinction between

upper and lower case.


Valid formats for the address of the gateway are:

  • H1 Address: HH-HH-HH-HH-HH, where H stands for a hexadecimal digit, there is no distinction between upper and lower case letters
  • IP address: n.n.n.n (n is a number from 0 to 255)


Key for configuring behaviour in the event that the SubNetId is not found:

  • 0: The error is ignored, the routing is omitted, the communication for the network transition to H1, MPI or PROFIBUS is applied.
  • 1: Communication process aborted with error


If a non-valid value is defined here (in other words, neither 0, 1 or empty), the connection is terminated and an error

is written to the internal event log of the gateway

0 or 1

Default: 0

Example: BehaviourSubNetIdNotFound=1

Example configuration

```[Rfc1006 ]```
```Enabled= Y```
```[gw2gw ]```
```Adr0=004C-0013, 1```
```BehaviourSubNetIdNotFound= 1```

Last update: September 15, 2023

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