KB-127244: Importing and exporting groups and users

Importing and exporting groups and users

In octoplant, users and groups can be imported into the user management directory and exported into another directory. Import and export can be done manually as well as automatically. The automatic import is done with Active Directory Binding.


CSV files from which users and groups are imported into octoplant must be encoded with

UTF-8-BOM. This can be done with either a text editor (for example, Notepad++) or Microsoft Excel.


Image: Encoding users/groups with UTF-8 BOM

CSV files exported from octoplant are automatically encoded with UTF-8 BOM.

Exporting groups and users

If you would like to import users and groups from an active directory, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the User Management module.
  2. Navigate to the Synchronisation tab in the ribbon.
  3. Click on Export users/ groups to *.CSV files.
  4. A dialog for selecting the directory where the files are to be saved will open.
  5. Select a directory.
  6. The users and user groups created in octoplant are exported as separate files to the selected directory.

The user ID, which is assigned by octoplant when the user was created, must be deleted from the CSV file after the export. Otherwise, the user will no longer be able to be imported from the CSV file into octoplant.

If you have exported users and groups with an older octoplant version, the corresponding CSV file will contain encrypted passwords. These must be manually removed from theusers.csvfile before re-importing the file and then adding them again after the import. Otherwise, an error will occur during the import.

Importing groups and users

To import users and groups from one or several CSV files, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the User Management module.
  2. Navigate to the Synchronization tab in the ribbon.
  3. You have the following options:
    1. Image: Menu bar, Synchronization tab
    2. Select Import users and groups from *.csv-files.
  4. The dialog Import users, groups, rights will open.
  5. Use the button to select the directory from which CSV files are to be imported.
  6. Click the Import button or test the import beforehand using the Test button.
  7. The Output field will display the result of the import. You can save this to a LOG file using the Save output button.
  8. Close the dialog Import users, groups, rights.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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