Integrating projects
Note that a single TwinCAT component cannot be used to create versions for both V2._and V3._TwinCAT projects at the
same time.
Integrating an existing BECKHOFF TwinCAT project into octoplant
- Start the UserClient.
- Create a new component for your TwinCAT project.
- Copy your TwinCAT project into the working directory of the component.Switch to your TwinCAT component and select Create base version and Check-In.
Your TwinCAT project is now integrated and can be managed within octoplant.
Integrating a new BECKHOFF TwinCAT project into octoplant
- In the UserClient, create a new component. Select TwinCAT as the component type, by going to the Beckhoff directory.
- Start the TwinCAT editor.
- Create a new project and save it in the directory of the TwinCAT component that you just created.
- Go to the TwinCAT component in the UserClientand select Create base version and Check-In.
Your new TwinCAT project is now integrated and can be managed within octoplant.
You can customize the component type TwinCAT.
Related Topics
- System compatibility
- AdminClient -> Module Component type editor
- UserClient -> Creating new components
Last update: September 15, 2023