KB-127297: Creating jobs

Creating jobs

In order to create jobs for the purpose of creating images with Acronis, a component with the component type PC-Images/Acronis will be required.

To create a job for Acronis, proceed as follows:


Only the settings in job configuration, which are necessary for creating disk images, are included in this section.

  1. Start the AdminClient and open the Jobs module.
  2. In the Project tree, select the Acronis component.
  3. In the menu tab, click on Create or drag-and-drop the components into the Jobs section.
  4. Check in the section Job configuration, if the upload type Acronis is being displayed.
  5. Make sure the desired settings are in place for the following sections: General, Notification, Upload and compare, Create a version automatically after job run. The Notification and Create a version automatically after job run sections are only displayed if the necessary settings have been implemented.
  6. In the section Acronis settings, implement the following settings:
    1. Image: Job configuration, Acronis settings section
      1. From the dropdown list, select the Type, whether you want to create an image of the entire computer (entire machine) or only a drive (–volume or –disk).
    2. In the Device field, enter the system name or IP address of the device whose image is to be created. In the User and Password fields, add the login information for the computer.
    3. In the field Max bandwidth (kb or p), you have the option to also limit the band width when uploading images. This resctriction can be entered as absolute (kb) or percentage (p).
    4. In the field Exclude files, you can exclude certain files from saving the image. Multiple files are separated by commas and may not contain any empty spaces before and after the hyphens.
    5. In the field Parameter file, enter a path to an Acronis input parameter file. There are no restrictions on Acronis parameter files.
  7. In storage path, carry out the following:


  1. It is not possible to save the image in the server archive.
  2. Image: Job configuration, section storage path
    1. In the path field, enter the path to the directory that is intended to store the images. The default path is: ACRONIS_MMSImages.
  3. If the directory requires authentication, check the checkbox Authentication and enter in the fields User and Password the necessary authentication information.
  1. In Differential backup, carry out the following:
    1. Image: Job configuration, section Differential backup
      1. If you want to create a differential backup, check the checkbox Create differential images. After the latest full backup, enter the time frame in days during which you want next full backup to follow. After this time period, a full backup is always created.
  2. Save the job.

Test the job by selecting the button Execute selected jobs once. Results from job execution and potential errors can be seen in Job results.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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