Integrating projects
Integrating an existing Omron project
- Open the UserClient.
- Create a new directory or sub-directory (F7) in the Project tree.
- Click the New Component button (F8). In the Create Component dialog, under Component Type in the Component Type Library in the Omron folder, select the CX-Programmer component type. Select the component, rename the component if necessary, and click Create Component.
- Click on Show in file manager (Ctrl + E).
- Copy the Omron project to the file manager, save and close the file manager.
- Click on Create base version and Check-In.
The Omron project is now integrated and can be managed by octoplant.
Integrating a new Omron project
- Create a New component in the UserClient. Select CX Programmer in the Omron directory as the component type.
- Open the Omron Editor.
- Create a new project and save it in the CX Programmer component you just created.
- Return to the CX Programmer component in the UserClient and then click on Create base version and Check-in.
The Omron project is now integrated and can be managed by octoplant.
You can customize the CX-Programmer component type in the AdminClient, Component Type Editor module.
Related Topics
Last update: September 15, 2023