KB-127524: Term component

Term component

A component is a directory in the Windows file system that is given special properties by octoplant. A octoplant component can therefore only be created by octoplant and its properties are recognized only in the octoplant system. The external structure of the component resembles that of a virtual container. It contains a main project and any number of secondary files, which should be included in the project engineering (for example, a S7 project and an E-Plan as PDF).

A locally existing component is displayed in the file manager, such as Windows Explorer, as a normal directory. If a component is not in the local client archive, but only on the server, it will not displayed in the file manager.

When a component is created in octoplant, a database entry is created in parallel with the project structure. This will contain all settings related to the component. From these, the following information can be obtained:

  • The icon that will be displayed in the UserClient**project tree** instead of the folder icon.
  • The comparator types and the method to be used in the comparison process
  • The files included in or excluded from the comparison process
  • The files that have been saved in or excluded from a version

When a user deletes a component locally, it remains in the server archive and is grayed out in the UserClient’s**project tree**.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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