KB-127548: Configuring actions

Configuring actions

The settings for the action and file in question are saved in the configuration. You can manage multiple configurations and carry out actions when required.

To create a configuration, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Create button located in the menu ribbon.
  2. This will start the wizard needed to create a configuration. Using the Next and Back buttons, the user can navigate between the dialogs.
  3. The wizard will open showing a general introduction.


  1. To not display the introduction, clear the checkbox Show this page again. To undo this, click on the **show

introduction button located in the help tab. 1. In Create configuration, enter the name of the configuration then click on next**


  1. The name may compromise of 64 characters (at maximum) and needs to be clearly stated in the existing configuration.
  2. In the dialog Define action, select which action you want to execute using which data.

  3. Image: Archive manager module, Define action

1. 1. Using the options in the following data will be archived, select whether you want to secure component data or database entries. Below the selected option, the following suboptions will be activated as well. You can select one or multiple options.


  1. The Next button will only be activated once you have checked at least one checkbox.
  1. In Type of archiving, select the action that you want to carry out.
  2. After selecting Move versions and clicking on Next, the dialog Settings for moving will appear.

  3. Image: Module Archive manager, Settings for moving

1. 1. In the section Change history of affected components, you can set if you want versions that have been moved to still be displayed in or removed from the change history. – If you decide to remove moved versions from the change history, the first visible version of the component is no longer version 1, but instead the lowest version after the move. – If you keep the moved versions in the change history, the complete version history with all changes can be seen.


A moved version cannot be restored or launched.

  1. In Base version of affected components, you need to decide if the base version of moved versions are to be as well removed from the server archive.
  2. Click on Next and select in Included data the data that you want to carry out the action for.

  3. Image: Module Archive manager, Included data

1. 1. Here, you can set rules on which data you want to be copied or moved. You can base this decision on the age or date when the entries were created. A set number of entries can be kept in the server archive by default. 1. Click on Next and enter in Destination directory, enter the directory that you wish to copy or move the data to. 1. Click on Next. If you are want to coping y or movinge component data, the Components to archive dialog will appear. Here all components available on the server are displayed. Using the arrow, you can select which components you want to incorporate into the action. 1. To close the wizard, click on Save.

The configurations as well as the details are displayed on the opening dialog of the Archive manager module.

Image: Archive manager module


When you click on one of the fields, the wizard’s dialog will open in which you can edit the entries.

By clicking on Duplicate or Delete in the menu tab, you can copy selected configurations or delete them after verification.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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