KB-127617: BeforeEdit


Script applications called from this interface are used to perform actions when an editor or development environment is launched. The editor is only opened when the script application is finished (completed, cancelled, or suspended due to timeout).

For example: Upward/downward compatibility issues can be resolved by opening files created with an older version of the editor with this version of the editor.

How to use the scripting interface:

  1. An editor or a development environment is started.

  2. The scripting interface BeforeEdit is called and the script application is executed.

  3. The editor is started.

You can also manage multiple projects in a single component


If a component containing multiple projects is opened, BeforeEdit will be triggered before and after the selection dialog is called up. This behavior can be prevented by setting the EnableOldBeforeEditBehavior key to Y in the Common section ofClient.inion the clients or inClientConfigUpdate.inion the server.

Command lines for this script application

ScriptBeforeEdit.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the client archive] /at:c

Description of the interface file

The sections [Common], [User], [Component], [ExclusiveUse] and [UnderDevelopment] are described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

WorkingDir I Complete path to the working directory of the component (may be empty)

SelectedFile I

File selected from the project


This section is empty, if no projects or multiple are found.

SelectedItem I

Element selected in the SelectedFile key


This section is empty, if no projects or multiple are found.

CompareClass I

Compare class for the file

The compare class is described in greater detail in the key SelectedFile


The general keys of this section are described in Global interface file sections.

INI key I/O Description

Done O

Displays whether the script application should be displayed as completed in case of error

Y: The script application is displayed as completed when an error occurs. The system does not try to run the script application over and over again in case of an error.

N: The script application is not considered complete in case of an error.

The default value is N

Last update: September 15, 2023

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