KB-127668: Exporting the Project tree

Exporting the Project tree

The ComponentTree export type allows you to export the Project tree either in its entirety or partially. The resulting file can contain, among other things, the ID and the status of the components.

The export can be produced as an XML or JSON file.


If the entire Project tree is exported, information on all versions will be taken into account during the export

(WithVersions=Y). If JSON has been selected as the export format, a very large amount of data can, under certain circumstances, be the result. If this occurs, only export a concrete path of the Project treeand no information about the versions or export to an XML file.

In addition to the keys described in the Parameter file section, there are also other keys (listed below), which can be used for this specific export type.

Section [Common]

Key Values


The relative path of the part in the Project tree to be exported.

  • If this key is empty (default value), the entire Project treeis exported. (Except for the directories and components to which the executing user has no access).
  • If the key is not empty, the entry must be preceded by a backslash (“”).
  • The path of a component (with name) can also be entered.


This key is ignored if a value is specified for ComponentID.


Defines whether information about the versions should be issued. The following values are possible:

  • Y: The information is issued.
  • N: The information is not issued (default value).


Defines whether only information relating to the last version or whether information relating to all versions will be issued. The prerequisite for this is that the parameter WithVersions has the value Y.The following values are possible:

  • Y: Only information related to the last version is issued.
  • N: All information is issued. (Default value)


Defines whether information about the master data is to be issued. The following values are possible:

  • Y: The information is issued (default value).
  • N: The information is not issued.


Specifies whether the project directory hierarchy should be created as XML nodes.The following values are possible:

  • Y: The XML nodes are created.
  • N: The XML nodes are not created (default value).

Example call:

VDogAutoExport.exe  "/rd:D:vdClientArchive" "/CFile:D:TestexportComponentTree.ini"

Parameter file exportComponentTree.ini


List of attributes that can be found in the resulting file

XML Descriptio
<root&gt Starting point of the Project tree </p List of the component’s master data.!!! note This element is only displayed, if the value Y was entered in the key WithMasterData in the parameter file.
D1=”…”D2=”…”…D10=”…” The master data of the componen
<Versions&gt Information about the version of a component.!!! note This element is only displayed, if the value Y was entered in the key WithVersions in the parameter file.
  <Version&gt Id=”… Contains the version ID of a dataset.
Number=”n Contains the version number of a dataset
TimeStampUTC=”… Date the version was created (UTC
TimeStampLocal=”… Date the version was created (local time
UserDefined=”…” Contains user defined version identifier
UserID”… ID of the user, who created the version (in GUID format
UserName=”… User that created the versio
ComputerName=”… Name of the computer the version was created on
Comment=”… Contains a comment about the version that was created
ChangeReason=”… Shows the change reason for the version
SubDirArchive=”… Name of the directory, in the server archive, that the corresponding version of the component is saved in (as archive.zip)
StateArchive=”n Contains additional information about the versions. If the value is interpreted as a 32-bit binary number, you can extract, among other things, the following information:0x00000002: The archive was moved 0x00000020: A Check-In of the archive was performed 0x00000040: The archive was deleted (by the listed user)
SizeUncompresse The size of the component.
SizeCompressed The packed size of the component
<Tags&gt Information concerning the tags assigned to a version.!!! note This element is only displayed when at least one tag is assigned.
<Tag&gt Information concerning each tag assigned to a version.!!! note Tag is a sub point of tags.
name=”… Name of a tag
<LockState&gt Information about the locked state of a component.!!! note This element is only displayed if the locked state is activated.
State=”n Determine the locked state of a component. The following values are possible:1: Locke 2: Under developmen
UserID=”… ID of the user, who configured the lock state (in GUID format)
UserName=”… User that locked the component
EmailAddress=”… The email address of the user who configured the locked state.!!! note If no email address is given, an empty character sequence is displayed.
TimeStampLocal=”… Timestamp when the lock state was given (local time)
TimeStampUTC=”… Timestamp when the lock state was given (UTC)
Days=”n Which components are currently locked for other users (given in days)
ComputerName=”… The computer that initiated the lock state
Comment=”… A comment explaining the reasons why the locked state was activated

Last update: September 15, 2023

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