KB-127739: Term jobs

Term jobs

Jobs are monitoring/ backup tasks that archive live data from devices (program files, configuration, settings, etc.). The terms upload job and backup job are used synonymously in this context.

Jobs can be executed manually or automatically at any time according to a schedule specified by the user.

With octoplant, jobs can be created for a variety of devices for upload and comparison purposes.

Jobs for some devices require additional software to be installed on the octoplant server. If the required software cannot be installed on the machine running the octoplant server applications, you can allow the octoplant system to access the software using agents. To do this, the agents must be installed on the computer on which the required software is installed. The computer needs to be accessible via the network. You will also need access rights to the computer, the software and the directories/ files.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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