KB-126843: Event log module

Event log module

The feature Event log shows the user a list of all events on the octoplant server. The event log can also be accessed via the WebClient.

Image: Module Event log

In the Start tab, you can configure the appearance, format and time zone of the display using the individual buttons.

These are You can see below the fields displayed in the Event log:

Timestamp The date when the changes were made.
Type Event type. Display options:ResourcesImages_sharedIconsIcon_OK.pngSuccessfulResourcesImages_sharedIconsIcon_Fehler.pngErrorResourcesImages_sharedIconsIcon_Info.pngInformationResourcesImages_sharedIconsIcon_Warnung.pngWarnings
Sources Data sourc
Category Cateagory of the even
Computer name The name of the computer that was used to make the change.</MadCap:change
Text Tex
Data Dat

Last update: September 15, 2023

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