KB-126873: octoplant pro hub

octoplant pro hub

octoplant pro hub data package

You can check a checkbox in this section so that a data package for the octoplant hub is created daily at a specified time. This package contains data from the octoplant server. This package from the octoplant server is exported by the ExportModuleand displayed graphically in the octoplant hub.

For the JobResults, EventLog, AdminLog and ComponentLog exports, only the data for the last 365 days is stored in the data package by default. You can configure this individually in the server.ini file. For example, this can be done if your octoplant server is particularly large and the package would become too large in that case.

Check the checkbox and enter a time.

Information from the octoplant pro hub

Enter the Tenant ID, System ID, and Access Token (obtained directly from the octoplant pro hub) in this section’s fields. The functions of the octoplant pro hub are described in separate documentation.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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