KB-127126: Check-Out


AutoCheckOut allows you to check-out components using the command line. To do this, enter the following command:

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe” /rd:{ClientArchive} “/dirR :<Relative path>” /Account :<User> /Password :<Password>[/domain :<Domain>] [/WithBackups :<Y/N>] [/NumberOfArchives :<Number>]

You can also choose the component you want to Check-Out by entering the component ID instead of it relative path. To do this, you must enter the following command:

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe” /rd :<ClientArchive>“/CID :<Component ID<" /Account:<User> /Password :<Password>[/domain :<Domain>] [/WithBackups :<Y/N>] [/NumberOfArchives :<Number>]

AutoCheckOut can also be used to automatically check-out the current version of a component before each login.

The parameters and values required for the command line call are listed in the table below.


When performing a Check-Out using the command line, you will not be notified if local changes will be overwritten.

Paramete Descriptio
/rd :`<ClientArchive&gt Fully qualified path to the client archive
/dirR:<Relative path&gt Relative path of the component or directory to be checked out.!!! note If no value is specified, all available components will be checked out. The user must have at least read access to the path. It can be specified as an alternative to/CID:. One of the two parameters must be passed. If both are passed,/dirR:will be ignored.
/CID:<component ID&gt Component ID of the component to be checked out!!! note The user must have at least read access to the component. Can be specified as an alternative to/dirR:. One of the two parameters must be passed. If both are passed,/dirR:is ignored.
/account:<User&gt Name of the user performing the Check-Out.
/domain:<Domain&gt Domain of the user (optional).
/password:<Password&gt Password of the user.
/WithBackups:<Y/N&gt Specifies whether backups should also be checked out (optional). Possible values:Y: Backups are also checked out.N: No backups are checked out.!!! note The default value is N.
/NumberOfArchives:` Specifies how many archives should be checked out (optional).!!! note The default value is 0 (all archives).
/Version :`<Version number&gt Specifies which version should be checked out (optional).!!! note The default value is the number of the current version.
/LockState:<LockState&gt Specification of the status with which the Check-Out will be executed. Possible values:/LockState:UnderDevelopment: The status Under development is set during Check-Out./LockState:LockForOtherUsers: The status Locked by user is set during Check-Out.The parameter is optional. If it is not specified, no lock state will be set.
/WithStdLibs:<Y/N&gt Specifies whether the linked standard libraries are also checked out during Check-Out. Possible values:Y: The linked standard libraries have also been checked out.N: The linked standard libraries have not been checked out.The default value is N.
/comment:{comment Comment that is displayed in the CheckIn-CheckOut log .Entry is optional. The default value is an empty string.


Command line call

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe” /rd:d:vdClientArchive “/dirR:Hall 1Plant 1Area 1SimaticS7” /Account:User /Password:`/WithBackups:N /NumberOfArchives:0

Automatic Check-Out of a component upon login:

Bat file with the following content:

REM Check-Out procedure

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe” /rd:d:vdClientArchive “/dirR:Hall 1Plant 1Area 1SimaticS7” /Account:User /Password :<Password>/WithBackups:N /NumberOfArchives:0

REM Open the UserClient

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogClient.exe” /rd:d:vdClientArchive /Account:User /Password :<Password>

Automatic Check-Out of all components upon login:

Bat file with the following content:

REM Check-Out procedure

“C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe” /rd:d:vdClientArchive /dirR: /Account:User/Password :<Password> /WithBackups:Y /NumberOfArchives:1

REM Open the UserClient

C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogClient.exe /rd:d:vdClientArchive /Account:User /Password :<Password>

Return values

Argumen Descriptio
No errors occurred. At least one component was checked out
No Check-Out could be carried out or at least one Check-Out returned an error
No components were found that could be checked out (for example, because the user did not have the required rights)
100 Login error

Last update: September 15, 2023

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