KB-127173: AfterSchedulerJobRun


Script applications called by this interface are carried out after a job has ended and the comparison between the old and new upload is complete. This allows the following extensions:

  • Data export

This allows a copy of the backup to be created and shared on the network so that the data can be accessed without the client installed.* Interface for external systems

  • Creation of a new version from a backup
  • Start additional jobs

This can be used to create a range of backups on one or more devices


Executing multiple jobs consecutively using the script application ScriptAfterSchedulerJobRun.exe can lead to maintenance problems.

Errors that occur at the start of or during the execution of a script application do not affect the job result. The job will continue to be displayed as successful.

Command lines for this script application

ScriptAfterSchedulerJobRun.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[Path to the server archive] /at:s

When using agents:

ScriptAfterSchedulerJobRun.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the agent archive] /at:s

Description of the interface file

The sections [Common], [Component] and [Result] are described in Global interface file sections.


This section displays information about the version with which the newly created backup was compared

They keys of this section are described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

Action I

Displays what triggered the comparison. The following values are possible:

  • 0: The comparison was started manually, via the BackupClient or by an external event.
  • 1: The comparison is carried out as a part of a scheduled comparison

PathBackup I

Complete path to the backup that was created

Depending of the comparison result it is possible that this key will not be given.

PathArchive I Complete path to the version with which the newly created backup will be compared This key may not be present if no version was created for the component.

VersionVsBackup I

Display the results of the Version< - >Backup comparison

The following values are possible:

0 -> No comparison carried out

1 -> Error occurred during comparison (backup or version)

2 -> Differences detected

3 -> No differences detected

BackupVsPreBackup I

Displays the results of the Backup< - >Previous backup comparison.

The following values are possible:

0 -> No comparison carried out

1 -> Error occurred during comparison (backup or version)

2 -> Differences detected

3 -> No differences detected

JobName I

Name of the job in the job configuration

Spaces in names are allowed.

JobID I ID of the job (as a string with 32 characters)


The keys in this section are always stored in Base64. The data is coded in the following way: {ParamId}={Value} …{ParamId}={Value} .

If there are no parameters for a key the key will not be included

INI key I/O Description

Job I Upload job parameter

Last update: September 15, 2023

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