KB-127315: Global interface file sections

Global interface file sections

Interface file

If an event occurs for which there is a corresponding scripting interface, octoplant will create an interface file. This interface file is an initialization file, which provides the script application as well as information about the component, its status, and the user, who triggered the event. It is available in the file format INI and is coded in UTF-16.

The general sections and the keys of the scripting interface files are listed below. The sections and keys that are present only in interface files of individual events can be found in the descriptions of the events.


INI key I/O Description

RootDirAdmin I

Complete path to the directory in which the management files from octoplant are located


This key is not given for BeforeUpload and AfterUpload.

DirPrjData I

Complete path to the directories that contain the project files


This key is not given for BeforeUpload and AfterUpload.

Language I ID of the language, in which octoplant is set (for example, en or, to be precise, en-gb, en-us, de-de, fr-fr, etc.)

ComputerName I

Name of the computer from which the script application is executed

Format: [Domain].ComputerName

(For client-sided results, the name of the client, is given; for server-sided results, the name of the server is given)

DirTemp I

Complete path to the directory in which the temporary files of the script applications are stored


Each script application needs to delete temporary data independently. All script applications share a directory for

temporary files. For this reason, sub-directories and files need to be correctly ordered, in order to ensure that script applications only delete their own temporary data.

PathLog I

Complete path to the directory in which the protocolled information is stored.


Some script applications make this information available to the entire system. Each script application must delete its

own data.

TimeOutInMin I

Time until time-out (in minutes)


If the value set here is exceeded, the script application immediately closes without giving notification.

Licence I

This key contains information on which features are covered by the license.

PathExeVdog I

Complete path to the application that was triggered by the script application

(for example,C:ProgrammevdogVDogClient.exeor the path to the server application)

SilentMode I

Shows whether the script application is allowed to request input from the user (for example through messages).

Y: No input may be requested

N: Input may be requested. This does not mean that the script application needs to request input.

The default value is Y for server-sided applications and N for client-sided script applications.



Some script applications do not support this section.

INI key I/O Description

Dir I

Relative path to the component directory

The path begins with a backslash sign. There is no backslash sign at the end of the path.

ID I Component ID

ComponentTypeId I Component type ID


I Contents of the first master data field

MasterData2 I Contents of the second master data field

MasterData3 I Contents of the third master data field

MasterData4 I Contents of the fourth master data field

MasterData5 I Contents of the fifth master data field

MasterData6 I Contents of the sixth master data field

MasterData7 I Contents of the seventh master data field

MasterData8 I Contents of the eighth master data field

MasterData9 I Contents of the ninth master data field

MasterData10 I Contents of the tenth master data field



Some script applications do not support this section.

INI key I/O Description

ID I This key contains the ID of the user as a string with 32 characters

Name I Name of the user

FullName I

Complete user name


The key is only given, if the name is contained in the User management module.

Domain I Domain in which the user is logged in to

LocalLogon I

Displays whether the user is logged in locally or on the server

Y: The user is logged in locally.

N: The user is logged in on the server.

Admin I

Displays whether the user belongs to the administrator group

Y: The user is a part of the octoplant administrator group.

N: The user is not a part of the administrator group.

Groups I

IDs of the groups to which the user belongs

The IDs are displayed as string with 32 characters and are separated by commas.



Some script applications do not support this section. For some script applications this section is given a different name

INI key I/O Description

Hversion I Version number

HversionUserDefined I User defined version number

TimeStampUtc I This key contains the time stamp on which the version was created (in UTC time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

TimeStampLocal I This key contains the time stamp on which the version was created (in local time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

Comment I

This key contains the comment for this version

Every line break (LF, CR, CRLF) is converted to .

ChangeReason I

Change reason for this version

Every line break (LF, CR, CRLF) is converted to .

UserId I ID of the user, who created the version as a string with 32 characters

UserName I Name of the user who created the version

UserFullName I

Complete name of the user who created the version


The key is only given, if the name is contained in the User management module.

UserDomainName I Domain in which the user is logged in to

ComputerName I Name of the computer on which the version was created

DnameStorage I Name of the sub-directory in which the archive of the version was saved (format YYYYMMDD.{NNN} )

State I

Lock state of the version/archive



This sections is only available if a Quick save of the component was restored.

INI key I/O Description

Enabled I

This key contains the information whether Quicksave is enabled for this component.

Y: Quicksaves are activated

N: Quicksaves are deactivated

If no value is supplied for this key the system assumes the value to be “N”.

Dir I

Relative path to the component directory begins with a backslash. There is no backslash sign at the end of the path


This key is only supplied if the key “Enabled” has the value “Y”.

ID I ID of the component


This key is only supplied if the key “Enabled” has the value “Y”.


INI key I/O Description

UserID I

ID of the user, who created the version as a string with 32 characters

If no value is set for this key, or if it is set with a zero value, the component is not locked.

UserName I Name of the user who locked the component for other users

UserFullName I

Full name of the user who locked the component for other users


The key is only given, if the name is contained in the User management module.

DomainName I Domain in which the user is logged in to

ComputerName I Name of the computer from which the component was locked for other users

TimeStampUtc I This key contains the time stamp on which the component was set to this state (in UTC time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

TimeStampLocal I This key contains the time stamp on which the component was set to this state (in local time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS).


INI key I/O Description

UserId I This key contains the ID of the user that marked the component as Under development as string with 32 characters. If no value is entered or if a zero value is entered, the component is not marked as Under development.

UserName I This key contains the name of the user that marked the component as Under development.

UserFullName I

This key contains the full name of the user that marked the component as Under development


The key is only given, if the name is contained in the User management module

DomainName I Domain in which the user is logged in to

ComputerName I Name of the computer from which the component was marked as Under development.

TimeStampUtc I This key contains the time stamp on which the component was set to this state (in UTC time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

TimeStampLocal I This key contains the time stamp on which the component was set to this state (in local time format) (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS).


INI key I/O Description

ComputerName I

Computer name and, if necessary, the name of the domain of the computer carrying out the Check-Out or Check-In

IPAddress I IP address of the computer from which the Check-Out or the Check-In was carried out


INI key I/O Description

ErrorText O

This key displays whether the script application terminated in an error and whether an error message was given in the message box.


Messages block programs until they have been acknowledged. Due to this, it should not be used for server-sided script


If the value “<N>” is supplied, no error message will be written in this key.

Warnings O This key will be written if the script application terminates with a warning.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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