KB-127322: Advanced job settings

Advanced job settings

The Global job settings button in the ribbon opens the Upload type specific configuration dialog, in which you can make both global and upload type specific settings. The settings in the General apply to all jobs. In addition, there is a tab for each upload type in which settings can be made for jobs of this upload type.


If the settings for an upload type differ from the global settings, the upload type specific settings apply to the upload type.

Upload and Compare

The upload of large amounts of data is aborted by default after 30 minutes because of a timeout. Set the desired value in minutes in the field maximum time for job execution (maximum 540 minutes).

In the second dialog, select the Maximum number of results per job that will be shown in the UserClient under Jobs. (Maximum display 2000 jobs). This value can only be set globally for all upload types.

Section automatically creating versions after job execution

Using Enable automatic creation of a version, you can decide if you want a new version of a component creating automatically after each time a job has been executed.

Only when this checkbox has been checked in both the General tab as well as in the tab for the selected upload type, will in the section Job configuration for jobs of this upload type belonging to the section Create a version automatically after job run be displayed. Here, you can select from a dropdown list in which case a new version is automatically created.


In the job configuration section for components with Multi-user editing, you are required to disable the function

automatic version creation after job execution. As it is not possible to perform a Check-Out, the automatically created versions would only use up more disk space for this component. This cannot be checked out or used.

Email options for job execution


This section can only be configured globally.

From the Email mode dropdown menu, select when to send email about job executions.

  • None: No Emails will be sent.
  • Job specific: An email will be sent for every job execution.
  • Daily: A summary on the job executions conducted in the last 24 hours will be sent. By deciding this, you can help prevent an unnecessary amount of emails from being sent out.

If you have selected one of the options Job specific or Daily, the section Notification will be displayed in the Job configuration. Here, you can specify for each job who you want to be notified about its execution.

You can also set how often the email is resent in case of an error and then decide whether the sent email is formatted as HTML or plain text.

For Daily emails, you can also set a time at which you want the emails to be sent and if you want jobs either deactivated or with the result Equal to be displayed in the overview. The option Exclude equal and deactivated jobs from overview is cleared by default.

Job configuration

Last update: September 15, 2023

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