KB-127342: octoplant Server

octoplant Server

Supported operating systems

The octoplant server can be used on all Windows 64-bit operating systems with a kernel version higher than 10.0. This corresponds to all versions from Windows Server 2016 Update 21H2 onwards. We recommend not to use versions whose support has already been discontinued by Microsoft.

Hardware requirements

Hardware Minimum requirements Recommended
Processor: Intel: Processor with NetBurst-, Core- or a later version of x86 micro architecture, mobile processors from Pentium M onwards AMD: from Athlon 64, Opteron, Sempron with Paris process cores Intel Core i3 9100
Memory: 4 GB 8 GB or more
Hard disk: 200 GB 500 GB or more
Graphics card: Super VGA, resolution 800 x 600 Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 or higher
Network card: 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s
Input devices: Keyboard and mouse Keyboard and mouse

Requirements for the network connection between the server and the end device

Minimum requirements: 10 MBit/s

Recommended: 100 MBit/s


When creating disk images (with the Image Service, Acronis or Drive Snapshot), it is not possible to make a general

statement about the minimum requirements. It needs be possible to transfer the data to be backed up within a 4 hour period.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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