KB-127378: BeforeUpload


Script applications called from this interface are carried out before an upload is executed. The upload is carried out once the script application has ended (completed, cancelled, or suspended due to timeout). This can be used to prepare the uploads.

Example: Create backups for devices that have their own custom backup function, but are not yet supported by octoplant.

Command lines for this script application

Without agents:

ScriptBeforeUpload.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the server archive] /at:s

With agents:

ScriptBeforeUpload.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the agent archive] /at:s

Description of the interface file

The section [Component] is described in Global interface file sections.

The sections [User] and [Version] are not included.


The keys RootDirAdmin and DirPrjData are not given. Other keys are described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

UploadClass I Name of the upload class

DirBackup I

Complete path of the directory in which the unzipped backup is/will be stored

PathArchive I

Complete path to the archive file (ZIP) of the last checked in version

This key can be empty or missing (even when a version has been checked in)

PathPreBackup I

Complete path to the archive file (ZIP) of the previous backup

This key can be empty or missing (even when there is an archived backup)

Type I

Module that triggered the upload. The following values are possible:

1: Scheduler (manual/automatic)

2: Upload&Compare function

The default value is 1

JobName I

Name of the job in the job configuration

Spaces in names are allowed.

JobID I ID of the job (as a string with 32 characters)


The keys in this section are always stored in Base64. The data is coded as follows: {ParamId}={Value} …{ParamId}={Value} .

If there is a key with no parameter, the key will not be given

INI key I/O Description

Class I

Parameter of the upload class

(Source octoplant server –VD$AConfigurationUploadClasses.ini) This key can be empty or missing.

Job I Upload job parameter

Agent I

Parameter of the computer on which the agents are installed

(Source agent –VD$AConfigurationUploadAgentStation.ini)

This key can be empty or missing


The key of this section is described in Global interface file sections.

INI key I/O Description

Done O

Displays if the script application just created a backup

Possible values are Y and N.

The default value is N.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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