KB-127404: Web server

Web server

Enable web server

Check this checkbox to enable the following functionalities through a web browser (supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari): –Factory Floor Status (chargeable add-on) with Device listFactory Floor Status (chargeable add-on) with SEW overview + S7 MLFB overviewJob results with job list + job statistics + job results logAdminlogEvent logComponent log After completing a migration from versiondog to octoplant, the checkbox must be cleared once and then reactivated. For more information on migration, see the section Migrating from versiondog to octoplant.


Please take careful note of the following points when enabling the web server:

  1. The ports in your firewall need to be activated. HTTP 80 and HTTPS 443 are preselected as standard. This can be changed later on. (Check the ports with the Windows tool Netstat.)The Web server address is shown to the right of the checkbox as a link. The link will become active as soon as the checkbox has been checked.When communicating using a HTTPS port, a octoplant certificate is used {installation directory of the octoplant server}Resourcescertserver.pem}. This is recognised by many web browsers as invalid. For further information, see: WebClient- Launching the web server.The octoplantweb server uses SSL encryption:

  2. “This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)â€

This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)

Last update: September 15, 2023

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