KB-127408: BeforeRestore & AfterRestore

BeforeRestore & AfterRestore

The script applications called by these interfaces serve to carry out specific actions before or after the restoration of a version (for example, before or after Check-Out) and even before or after a version is copied into the working directory.


  1. The restoration process is triggered.

  2. The target directory is prepared (if necessary).

  3. The interface BeforeRestore is triggered and the script application is started.
  4. The restoration process is carried out.
  5. Transactions are handled.
  6. The interface AfterRestore is triggered and the scripting application is started.

Command lines for ScriptBeforeRestore

ScriptBeforeRestore.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the client archive] /at:c

Command lines for ScriptAfterRestore

ScriptAfterRestore.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the scripting interface] /rd:[path to the client archive] /at:c

Description of the scripting interface BeforeRestore

The sections [Common], [Component], [User], [QuickSave], [ExclusiveUse] and [UnderDevelopment] are described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

WorkingDir I

Complete path to the working directory of the component

The key may be empty.

DestinationDir I Path to the directory in which the file is stored

PathSourceArchive I Complete path to the archive that is restored

Delta I

This key contains information as to whether the archive is a delta archive or not (incremental archiving).

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N

If the key has the value Y the key PathSourceArchive will not be provided. This key is intended for future versions. In the current version, the default value will always be given.

PartialRestore I

Shows whether it is a partial restore operation or not

(Partial means that the target is not deleted before the process begins) Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

HVersion I This key contains the version number of the version that is restored.

HVersionUserDefined I This key contains the user defined version number of the version that will be restored.

DuringCheckOut I

This key contains information on whether the restoration process is part of a Check-Out.

Possible values are Y and N.

The default value is N.

FSpecsR I

This key contains a list of file extensions of the files that are restored, separated by a pipe.

(recursive: files in sub-folder will be restored too).

FSpecs I

This key contains a list of file extensions of the files that are restored, separated by a pipe.

(non-recursive: files in sub-folder will not be restored).


The general keys of this section are described in Global interface file sections.

INI key I/O Description

Done O

Displays whether the script has already carried out the restore

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

Description of the scripting interface file AfterRestore

The sections [Common], [User], [Component], [QuickSave], [ExclusiveUse], [UnderDevelopment] and[Result] are described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

WorkingDir I

Complete path to the working directory of the component

The key may be empty.

DestinationDir I Path to the directory in which the file is stored

PathSourceArchive I Complete path to the archive that is restored

Delta I

This key contains information as to whether the archive is a delta archive or not (incremental archiving).

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

If the key has the value Y the key PathSourceArchive will not be provided.

PartialRestore I

This key contains information on whether the process is a partial restore.

(Partial means that the target is not deleted before the process begins.) Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

HVersion I This key contains the version number of the version that is restored.

HVersionUserDefined I This key contains the user defined version number of the version that will be restored.

DuringCheckOut I

This key contains information on whether the restoration process is part of a Check-Out.

Possible values are Y and N

The default value is N

FSpecsR I

This key contains a list of file extensions of the files that are restored, separated by a pipe.

(recursive: files in sub-folder will be restored too).

FSpecs I

This key contains a list of file extensions of the files that are restored, separated by a pipe.

(non-recursive: files in sub-folder will not be restored).

Failed I

This key contains the information on whether the restoration process failed. Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

This key is not always supplied. If it is not supplied the default value is used.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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