KB-127522: Component log

Component log

The Component log report shows a list of components on the server as well as a list of the actions that were carried out on the component.

Image: Report component log

General overview of the Component log:

Timestamp The date when the changes were made to the componen
Directory Name of the director
Component name Name of the componen
Component type The type of componen
Command The command that was executed on the componen
User name The name of the user, who made the chang
Computer name The name of the computer that was used to make the chang
Version The version that was create
Timestamp version The date when the version was create
Message The text in the messag
Comment A comment made by the user when creating the versio
Server name The name of serve
Component ID The ID of the componen
User ID The ID of the user, who made the chang


Depending on the configured master data, further columns will be displayed.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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