Microsoft Excel: comparator configuration
The comparator of the Excel components can be customized. Proceed as follows:
- Start the AdminClient.
- Go to the Component type editor module.
- In the Project tree, select the directory Microsoft.
- Select the component Excel.
- Customize the component under General, Compare/ Don’t compare these files, and Save/ Don’t save these files.
Example of customizing the Excel component type:
The comparison of a component (component type Excel) with password protected content ends in an error. How can this be resolved?
There are two possibilities available:
Change the configuration of the comparator
- Open the UserClient.
- Go to the Edit tab in the ribbon and click on Edit component configuration.
- In Component configuration dialog click on Comparator configuration….
- The Comparison configuration dialog will open.
- Enter the password in the section Exclude lines from comparison.
- Check the checkbox Exclude all non-displayable characters from entire comparison.
Create a version without a comparison
Alternatively, you can create a version without carrying out a comparison. To do this, go to the Extras tab in the ribbon of the UserClientand click on Version without difference.
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Last update: September 15, 2023