KB-127574: BeforeCheckOut & AfterCheckOut

BeforeCheckOut & AfterCheckOut

Script applications called from this interface are used to influence the checked-out data before Check-Out. Check-Out is only carried out when the scripting application has ended (completed, cancelled, or suspended due to timeout).


  1. The whole system is checked

  2. The interface BeforeCheckOut is triggered and the associated script application is started

  3. The Check-Out process begins
  4. The databases/archives are copied.
  5. The last version is restored.
  6. The local system is updated
  7. The interface AfterCheckOut is triggered and the associated script application is started
  8. The Check-Out process is completed

Command lines for ScriptBeforeCheckOut

Without agents:

ScriptBeforeCheckOut.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the server archive] /at:s

With agents:

ScriptBeforeCheckOut.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the agent archive] /at:s

Command lines for ScriptAfterCheckOut

Without agents:

ScriptBeforeCheckOut.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the server archive] /at:s

With agents:

ScriptBeforeCheckOut.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path to the interface file] /rd:[path to the agent archive] /at:s

Description of the interface file for BeforeCheckOut

The sections [Common], [User], [Component], [ExclusiveUse], [UnderDevelopment] and [Result] are described in Global interface file sections.


The section displays information about the checked out version in the working directory.


When executing the function Copy version into working directory the information is only displayed here if the

version did not exist on the client before the function was executed.

The key of this section is described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

WorkingDir I Complete path to the working directory of the component

UnderDevelopment I

Displays whether the component was marked as Under development during the Check-Out process

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

InExclusiveUse I

Displays whether the component was Locked during the Check-Out process.

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

SupplierCheckOut 0I

Displays whether a supplier Check-Out was carried out

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.


This section displays information about the supplier Check-Out.


This section is only provided if the value Y was given for the [Specific]SupplierCheckOut.

INI key I/O Description

Flat 0I

Displays whether the structure of the project directory was kept

Possible values are Y and N.

Unzipped 0I

Displays whether the unzipped project data is available

Possible values are Y and N.

DestinationDir 0I Complete path to the target directory for Check-Out

Description of the interface file AfterCheckOut

The sections [Common], [User], [Component], [ExclusiveUse], [UnderDevelopment] and [Result] are described in Global interface file sections.


The section displays information about the checked out version in the working directory.


When executing the function Copy version into working directory information is only displayed if the version was not

yet available on the client before it was created.

The keys of this section is described in Global interface file sections.


INI key I/O Description

WorkingDir 0I Complete path to the working directory of the component

SupplierCheckOut 0I

Displays whether a supplier Check-Out was carried out

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N

Failed 0I

Displays whether the the restoration process ended in an error

Possible values are Y and N. The default value is N


This section displays information about the supplier Check-Out.


This section is only provided if the key SpecificSupplierCheckOut contains the value Y.

INI key I/O Description

Flat 0I

Displays whether the structure of the project directory was kept

Possible values are Y and N

Unzipped 0I

Displays whether the unzipped project data is available

Possible values are Y and N

DestinationDir 0I Complete path to the target directory for Check-Out


INI key I/O Description

NumBackupsCopied 0I Number of (current and new) backups that were copied to the client Possible values are {0..n}. The value 0 signifies that no new or previous backups are available or that the user has not selected the option With backup.

Errors 0I

Shows whether an error occurred while detecting or copying the backups

Possible values are Y and N


This error will not necessarily lead to the end of the Check-Out.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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