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  6. KB-127604: Additional report (![Web_Report_menu.PNG](Web_Report_menu.PNG) hamburger menu)

KB-127604: Additional report (![Web_Report_menu.PNG](Web_Report_menu.PNG) hamburger menu)

Additional report (Web_Report_menu.PNG hamburger menu)

For each report, there are additional functions available. To use these additional functions, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the menu icon next to the button to select a report: Web_Report_menu.PNG

  2. Select the desired function. The following options are available:

Additional function Descriptio Available for report
Export as CS Export current report as CSV fileExport of the current report taking into account filters and sortin In the first line of the CSV file, the column headers are written. After the column header a blank line is inserte The name of the CSV file is composed as follows:<report name><date><time>.cs The CSV file is provided for downloaThe list identifier set by default in the Windows system is used as the separator. This can be found under Additional date/time and country settings > Region > Additional settings. The CSV separator configured in the AdminClient Global Settingsis not taken into account. Job listJob results logAdminlogEventlogComponent logDevice overviewModule overview
Edit visible column Open dialog to show/ hide columnsDisplays the columns of the current report, the visibility of the columns is shown via checkboxes One column must always remain visible. If at least one column is not selected, the dialog cannot be closed with OK Module Global Settings](../AdminClientAdminClient_ModulesACModules1020.md)

Last update: September 15, 2023

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