KB-127723: Open User profile

Open User profile

For each web server user, a user profile is saved. To open the user profile, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the arrow ResourcesImages_vdSmartGuide_vd_downarrow_grey.jpg next to the user name:Web_user_profile.PNGImage: User profile dropdown menuA dropdown menu will appear
  2. Select the User profile from the dropdown menu that you want to view
  3. Configure your desired settings. The following options are available:
Default value
Languag Select the language of the interfac
Default repor Select the report that will be displayed when the web server is opened. You can specify a report. You can also configure settings so that the report that was opened last will be displayed agai
Default serve Select the octoplant server that the web server will connect to by default upon startup. You can specify a particular server. You can also configure settings so that the connection to the server that was selected last will be displayed again!!! note In the AdminClient, you can specify which octoplant server is to be available for the connection.
User input
Visible column Configures length of time for which changes made to visible columns are kept. It is possible to configure settings as follows: permanently, just for the current session or to be reset every time the user switches to a different report or serve
Filter input Configures the length of time any change made to the filters is kept. It is possible to configure settings as follows: permanently, just for the current session or to be reset every time the user switches to a different report or serve
Sortin Configures the length of time any modification made to the sorting is kept. It is possible to configure settings as follows: permanently, just for the current session or to be reset every time the user switches to a different report or serve
Factory Floor Statu
Monitor configuratio Configure settings to allow the user to enable or disable monitors. If the monitor configuration is enabled, then it is possible for the user to enable or disable monitors. If the monitor configuration is disabled, then it is not possible for the user to enable or disable monitorsFor more information on enabling and disabling monitors, see Enable/disable monitors!!! note The option Monitor configuration is only displayed to users with administration rights in the octoplant systemFor more information on the configuration, see Configure monitor behaviour
  1. To apply the changes, click on OK

Last update: September 15, 2023

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