KB-132838: Checking out a project

Checking out a project

To check-out a zenon project, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the UserClient. In the project tree, select the zenon component that you want to check-out.
  2. Select Check-Out. The Data adapter for zenon projects dialog will appear.
    1. zenon_Data_adapter_CheckOut.png
  3. Image: Dialog Data Adapter for zenon Projects, Check-Out


  1. It is not possible to perform a Supplier Check-Out for zenon components. versiondog exports data in a different way from that of the zenon editor. If you want to export data for editing, we recommend using the export and import functions of the zenon editor.
  1. Check the entries in the Data adapter for zenon projects dialog and if necessary make changes.
  2. Possible settings:

Project database configuration file (DB.ini)

The DB.INI of a zenon project is displayed here.

  • If a valid DB.INI is displayed, this cannot be changed.
  • If no valid DB.INI is displayed, you can insert a DB.INI using the file selection. An addedDB.INI is to be copied directly into the component (without sub-directory).


As a rule, only one project and consequently only one DB.INI per component should be managed in


Project name

The name of the zenon project is displayed here.

The project name is obtained from the DB.INI and cannot be changed. If no DB.INI has been selected, the field will be empty.

Project GUID

The GUID of the zenon project is displayed here:

The GUI D<cite style="font-style: normal;">(Globally Unique Identifier )</cite>is obtained from the DB.INI and cannot be changed. If no DB.INI has been selected, the field will be empty.

zenon editor to use

Display and selection of zenon editor version:

The editor version, that was recently used to edit the zenon project, is preset in the data adapter when the project is opened. If the same editor version is not installed on the computer, the highest available editor version will be displayed. If no editor version is installed on the computer, it will be indicated that no editor has been found. The dialog cannot be ended by clicking on OK.


If multiple editor versions are present on a computer, you can select the most suitable editor in the data adapter.

zenon workspace file (*.wsp6)

Display and selection of zenon workspace file:

Workspaces are saved in a file with the extension WSP6. A workspace file is saved locally on the executing computer and will not be saved within the component. If no workspace file is specified for a zenon project, the Data adapter for zenon projects dialog cannot be closed by selecting OK. If a workspace file for a zenon project has previously been specified in the Data adapter for zenon projects dialog, it will be selected by default.

Create a workspace file or select a pre-existing file. Proceed as follows:

  • Create a new work space file by directly entering an absolute path in the field zenon workspace file (*.wsp6): The project currently selected in the Data Adapter will be added to the new workspace file.
  • Select an existing workspace file via the file selection: if the project currently in the data adapter is not present in the existing workspace file, it will be inserted here.

Additional projects in Workspace

Project dependencies are displayed here.

Usually a workspace file contains one or even multiple projects. If a workspace file contains only one project, only that project will be displayed with its project name and its GUID in the **Additional projects in Workspace field. In the case of multiple projects, everything is displayed.

Update zenon project database


As it is automatically assumed that the previous project database is to be replaced by the current project data bank,

the option Update zenon project database is always activated upon check-out.

  1. You can skip the configuration procedure by selecting the Skip button. The Data adapter for zenon projects dialog closes. Any changes made in the dialog are discarded. The actual check-out procedure will continue.

Checking-out zenon components at the same time

It is possible to check-out more than one zenon components at the same time. The data adapter is displayed individually for each component that you wish to check-out. By selecting the Skip all button, you can skip the configuration for all components. The data adapter is no longer displayed during the current check-out procedure. Any changes made in the Data adapter for zenon projects dialog will be discarded. The check-out procedure will continue.


When checking-out multiple zenon components, the sub-projects need to be checked-out first. These are integrated in the

corresponding umbrella project. Otherwise, this may lead to a waiting period, in which the zenon project during the import of the umbrella project, searches on the PC for non-existing sub-projects. Make sure to carry out two separate check-out processes: one for sub-projects and one for umbrella projects.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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