KB-133374: abort.ifexitcode


The command abort.ifexitcode will abort the execution of the script if a previous call command returned the exit code != 0 when calling another application. The aborted script returns the obtained exit code.

This command is usually used when several call commands are to be called in succession.




Function ScriptBeforeUpload
// $vdog::uploadjob->5002 holds the IP /hostname from the job configuration
$def::var1 = $vdog::uploadjob->5002
// Check IP/host name
ping Ip:$def::var1 loop:3 sleep:500

call BackupMyDevice.exe
arg /Addr:$def::var1
arg /DirDst:$vdog::specific->dirbackup
arg.nomarks /Account:$vdog::uploadjob->5003decode
arg.nomarks /Password:$vdog::uploadjob->5004decode
// abort, if BackupMyDevice.exe returned with an error (exitcode != 0)

// add an ASCII report to the backup data for compare reasons
call Backup2ASCII.exe
arg /Dir:$vdog::specific->dirbackup
// This script did all work for the job.
// There is no need to continue the job after this script with the  upload logic

This script displays the standard process for carrying out the script event ScriptBeforeUpload:

  • First, the network address (“IP address/computer name”) from the job configuration is passed to variable 1 ($def::var1).
  • The pin command is used to check whether the network address is accessible.
  • The call command is used to call up an application that can perform a backup for a specific device.Ideally, this application is provided as a tool by the device manufacturer. The following information will be provided in this script:

Information about authentification (user and password) are taken directly from the job configuration interface (usually for UNC).

- the IP address of the target device (via $def::var1)
- the target directory of the backup (so that the archive without other command copy can be transferred to the versiondog system)
- the authentification (for accessing the network)
  • If the backup tool (BackupMyDevice.exe) returns with the error (exitcode != 0), the script will abort immediately. Otherwise the next script command (here the call command) will be executed.
  • The execution of an upload script is usually done alongside a UNC job. This is because the job configuration of this job contains usual upload parameters (network address and authentication). Done tells the system that the upload was executed using a script and that a UNC upload is no longer necessary.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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