KB-133470: Check-In/Check-Out tab

Check-In/Check-Out tab

Image: Dialog Client Settings, Tab Check-In / Check-Out

Check-In options

Here, you can make settings for the computer on which the user works locally.

  • Delete component locally after Check-In If the checkbox is checked, the local working directory is automatically deleted after a successful Check-In.
  • Set the maximum number of versions to be archived locally: Here you can set how many archives should continue to be held locally after a successful Check-In. If a number greater than 0 is configured, exactly this number of archives (archive.zip) is kept locally. Older versions are deleted (using the time stamp).

Check-Out options

Check-Out with temporary rollback copy of local component data: If you activate this checkbox, the working directory is not simply overwritten during check-out, but the local component data that may be in it is backed up beforehand to enable recovery.

Using the next three options, you can define with which lock status the Check-Out takes place by default.

  • Without preset lock state
  • In lock state Under development
  • In lock state Lock for other users

The setting can be overwritten in the Check-Out dialog for the specific Check-Out.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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