KB-133491: Check-In


During Check-In, changes that you have saved as a new version are copied to the versiondog server.

The basic prerequisite for the Check-In is that the user has write access to the component.

Prior to the Check-In, the system checks whether the working directory is identical to the last version. If the version on the server is newer than the version on the client, a Check-In is not possible.

Definition of a version

  • A Version is in effect a “snapshot copy†of the contents of a Component (for example, a S7 project).
  • Versions are automatically documented in versiondogwith username, computer, date and time.
  • A version is created when important changes in the project need to be saved for possible recovery.


During Check-In, the following error message is displayed: “[Name: GetDiskFreeSpaceEx] [Info:<Directory>] [Note:Access denied]”. How can I resolve this problem?

If this error occurs, contact your system administrator to verify that you have write access to the vdServerArchive folder on the remote share.

Last update: September 15, 2023

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