KB-133545: Activate/ deactivate Auto-Export

Activate/ deactivate Auto-Export

If you check the checkbox Auto-Export, the OPC UA Server will use the ExportModule to retrieve data from the versiondog server. For more information, see the ExportModule tutorial. In this case, the necessary settings must be made in the following fields:

Fiel Descriptio
versiondog Usernam Username to login with on the versiondog serve
versiondog Domai Domain in which the user is create
versiondog passwor Password of the use
versiondog AutoExport exe Pat Path of the VDogAutoExport.exe application that runs ExportModule</b
versiondog Client Archive Pat Path to the versiondog client archiv
Export interval (in minutes Time interval (in minutes) in which the export takes plac
Export Timeout (in seconds Time period (in seconds) after which the export attempt is aborted (Timeout
Extended Statistic Specifies whether statistics should be created for all jobs, including those that have run successfullyBecause the complete server log has to be analyzed, this can have a big influence on the versiondog server.

If the OPC UA Server has no access to a versiondog server or client it can use the export results of the self created/executed export. In this case, clear the checkbox Auto-Export. Then the following fields are at your disposal:

Last update: September 15, 2023

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