KB-133576: Check-In options via Client.ini

Check-In options via Client.ini

For the computer, on which you work locally, various Check-In settings can be made in versiondog. These are listed below.

The first two settings can be configured both in the Client settings dialog and using client parameters in an INI file.

Deleting components after local Check-In

After a successful Check-In, the local working directory is automatically deleted.

  • Dialog Client settings > Tab Check-In/Check-Out
  • Configuration settings in the file Client.ini (vdClientArchiveVD$AConfigurationClient.ini)

Set the maximum number of versions to be archived locally

Here, you can set how many archives should continue to be held locally after a successful Check-In. If a number greater than 0 is configured, exactly this number of archives (archive.zip) is kept locally. Older versions are deleted (using the time stamp).

  • Dialog Client settings > Tab Check-In/Check-Out
  • Configuration settings in the file Client.ini (vdClientArchiveVD$AConfigurationClient.ini)

Perform detailed comparison during Check-In process

This setting can only be configured in the INI file.

During Check-In, a comparison is always made between the working directory and the current version and, if differences are found, a message is displayed indicating this.

By default, the binary data and the timestamp are compared (depending on the configuration of the component type). This comparison is also referred to as a First level comparison.

In addition, a Detailed comparison can be performed. The detailed comparison is performed using the comparators (compare classes) defined in the component type.

  • Configuration settings in the file Client.ini (vdClientArchiveVD$AConfigurationClient.ini)

Configuration settings in the file Client.ini

Section [CheckInCheckOut]

Key Description Value

5620 Performs detailed comparison during Check-In process.


Default: Y

5623 Specifies whether local working directories are automatically deleted after the successful Check-In operation.


Default: N


Specifies the number of archives to keep locally after a successful check-in operation.

0: No archives are deleted.

{0, 1 … n}

Default: 0

Last update: September 15, 2023

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