Extended business intelligence functions in octoplant to connect automated production processes

In octoplant pro hub, data from multiple octoplant server instances can be linked and analyzed. By comparing patterns and deviations of different instances, you have a much more powerful solution for meeting reporting requirements even with multiple production sites operating independently. You can also import third-party data and link it to the octoplant data, and visualize larger impact correlations. The benefit: You can make informed decisions that lead to significant quality improvements as well as unlock previously untapped efficiency potential.

The PowerBI dashboards in octoplant have an intuitive interface that can be flexibly designed. This allows existing dashboards to be customized according to user preferences and requirements. Custom dashboards can also be created quickly. This creates a true “business intelligence feel” for you!

The octoplant technology not only protects against internal errors during day-to-day work in the plants, but also against the consequences of external cyber attacks, as it allows users to quickly return to the original functional state. For example, your maintenance engineers can view the current status of the entire work environment at the start of their work shift and see directly where specific changes were made during the previous shift. In addition, shift managers get all the information they need at a glance, without having to search for it manually in various applications and at considerable time expense.

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