
KB-126774: Synchronization with Active Directory

Synchronization with Active Directory You can import the user accounts from the Active Directory into your octoplant system using the...

KB-126845: Activation and deactivation of maintenance mode

Activation and deactivation of maintenance mode You can activate or deactivate the octoplant server the maintenance mode using the command...

KB-127126: Check-Out

Check-Out AutoCheckOut allows you to check-out components using the command line. To do this, enter the following command: “C:Program FilesvdogClientVDogAutoCheckOut.exe”...

KB-127402: Login

Login For all applications (UserClient, BackupClient, ReportClient, LibraryManagement, EasyClient), the command line option /showloginis available. This ensures that the Login...

KB-127434: Creating and configuring jobs

Creating and configuring jobs Jobs can still be newly created or jobs can be updated via the command line. The...

KB-127582: Functions called with the command line

Functions called with the command line A number of octoplant functions can also be executed using the command line. Functions...

KB-127712: Check-In

Check-In The AutoCheckIn allows you to Check-In components using the command line and, if necessary, to create a new version....


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