
KB-126790: EasyClient interface

EasyClient interface The interface of the EasyClient consists of the following: Project tree Working area Project tree The Project tree...

KB-126827: Directories

Directories In octoplant components are managed in directories, similar to a file system. Creating a directory In the Project tree,...

KB-126837: EasyClient

EasyClient By using EasyClient, you can carry out the following basic functions in octoplant: Create components as well as check...

KB-127031: Resolve conflicts

Resolve conflicts A conflict may arise if you make changes to the component locally without checking it in and check...

KB-127212: Components

Components Creating new components In the Project tree, select the directory where the new component should be created or create...

KB-127319: Checking out components

Checking out components During Check-Out, the current version of a component is copied from the server archive onto the client...

KB-127447: Creating a new version

Creating a new version After you make changes to the project, you can create a new version of the component....

KB-127535: Changing component status

Changing component status Using the dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the Working area you can change the...

KB-127663: Checking in components

Checking in components During Check-In, changes that you have saved as a new version are copied to the server. The...

KB-127678: Editing project data

Editing project data As soon as you have newly created or checked out a component, the Edit view is selected...


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