
KB-126736: exit.ifemptyvar

exit.ifemptyvar The command exit.ifemptyvar can check whether a variable was correctly used. The script ends with the exit code 0,...

KB-126739: log.warning

log.warning The log.warning command can be used to write text for a warning in the protocol file of the script...

KB-126741: dir.copy

dir.copy The command dir.copy can be used to copy directories. The source path (directory that you want to copy) and...

KB-126755: log.string

log.string You can use the log.string command to write text in the protocol file of the script interface. This allows...

KB-126789: useTempWorkdirM / useTempWorkdirS

useTempWorkdirM / useTempWorkdirS The useTempWorkdirM and useTempWorkdirS commands are used exclusively for the script event ScriptBeforeCompare. These commands can be...

KB-126835: ping

ping The ping command can be used to ping a computer on the network. This allows you to check whether...

KB-126975: file.delete

file.delete You can use the file.delete command to delete one or (using wildcards) more files at the same time. Syntax:...

KB-127022: file.append

file.append The command file.append can be used to write text in a file. If the file does not yet exist,...

KB-127042: exit.ifbackgroundcheck

exit.ifbackgroundcheck The exit.ifbackgroundcheck command can be used to check whether the comparison process was started with the Background check option.....

KB-127070: file.copy

file.copy The command file.copy allows you to copy a file. Syntax: file.copy { source `<Source file>` dest `<Target file>` [err.ignore]...


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