
KB-126796: Video on updating versiondog

Video on updating versiondog Last update: September 15, 2023

KB-126915: Updating client applications

Updating client applications As soon as you start a client that has an earlier octoplant version than the server, the...

KB-126952: Updating parallel servers

Updating parallel servers Requirements for updating parallel servers All octoplant processes need to be closed. The data of the server...

KB-126981: Updating the server

Updating the server The server update does not differentiate between server installations with and without client. The update process is...

KB-127049: Creating an MSI package for installing octoplant

Creating an MSI package for installing octoplant Note The MSI package is subject to a charge and is available from...

KB-127181: Updating clients via the Setup.exe file

Updating clients via the Setup.exe file Open the octoplant client setup directory and execute the fileSetup.exe. The installation wizard will...

KB-127255: Registry entries

Registry entries octoplant only requires registry entries in Windows if the options Register file extension for SmartImport for supplier projects...

KB-127479: Downloading the newest version

Downloading the newest version To download a new version of octoplant, proceed as follows: Open the AUVESY-MDT website and go...

KB-127725: octoplant updates

Macro Syntax Error File: Tutorials/Update/Update10.md Line 28 in Markdown file: Unexpected end of template. Jinja was looking for the following...


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