How it all began: Merger AUVESY and MDT

octoplant is much more than a successor solution to versiondog and AutoSave, the version control platform combines the best of both products and also offers new features. This offer is the result of the merger of AUVESY and MDT Software, two leading providers of software and services for industrial production. Under the name AUVESY-MDT, we operate under a common brand. Our customers benefit from the advantages of this merger. They get a common roadmap and all tools for the digitization of production in one solution. This reduces downtime, supports compliance, and reduces cyber risks.

Why is the development of versiondog coming to an end?

We want to continue to develop outstanding products and offer a uniform solution for production. We have therefore decided to focus our energy and resources on continuously improving our new solution octoplant. In this way, we can best meet the needs of our customers.


Developing, maintaining, and supporting multiple products in parallel requires significant resources. By focusing on one solution, our experts can provide our customers with the best possible advice and support in terms of deployment and use.


By focusing all resources on a single software, we can develop octoplant even faster and more comprehensively. Our experts can implement more tests, bug fixes and feature enhancements to provide our customers with a high-quality product.


With a clear focus on octoplant, developers can drive innovation. New functions and upgrades are developed and made available to our customers more quickly.

Here's what's next

The End-of-Life Roadmap for versiondog and AutoSave

We offer our existing customers full operational and investment security for versiondog and AutoSave. Until the end of 2025, you will continue to receive full support for existing installations. As part of this support, we will continue to provide module updates and new editors. You will also continue to receive security fixes and, if possible, functional feature releases. The latter are primarily intended for octoplant and will not in all cases also be introduced in versiondog or AutoSave.


We will continue to provide comprehensive maintenance and support for existing software and functionality:

  • Updates for already supported devices
  • Updates for already and editors
  • Bug fixes and/or security patches,
  • Full 1st, 2nd, 3rd level support.


We continue to deliver critical security fixes for AutoSave and versiondog. In addition, you will receive basic support:

  • Fixes for critical security issues
  • 1st and 2nd level support

Already supported devices and editors will no longer receive updates. New devices and device families will no longer be integrated.


We will continue to be available for consulting services to best assist you in using and migrating our solutions.

  • No new code work
  • No technical support

End-of-life Phase for Parallel Server and eOS-Client

Starting immediately, the Parallel Server and eOS-Client are no longer part of the versiondog offering, and new or additional licenses for these products will not be available.


As of now, the Parallel Server and the eOS Client are no longer part of versiondog's offering; new or additional licenses are no longer available.

  • For existing customers, we continue to offer full support until the end of 2024.
  • Starting January 1, 2024, code work will be limited to critical security fixes.
  • As of January 1, 2025, we will cease all code work.
  • The final end-of-life date is set for January 1, 2025.


  • The full end-of-life date is set for January 1, 2024.
  • Already since versiondog 8.5.1, support for the eOS client is limited to paid consulting services.
  • We do not provide any new features and only limited support.

For detailed explanation and options please visit the knowledgebase.



The change from versiondog and AutoSave to the successor solution octoplant is a smooth transition and is similar to a software upgrade: All existing data – from jobs, to users, to individual settings – is retained. Thus, you benefit from the additional functions and the future-proof development with almost no effort. Our team of experts will assist you with the transfer of data and configurations to ensure that the transition is seamless and without interruptions. For detailed instructions on how to make the switch, contact our experts or read the knowledgebase.

Our changeover offer

We would like to guarantee you the same quality of our products and services in the future and make the switch as easy as possible.
For this reason, we are offering you three switchover options.

Frequently asked questions

To give you enough lead time to prepare for the EoL of AutoSave and versiondog, we have set the “Full End-of-Life” date for both products to December 31, 2025. This means that we will no longer be able to provide code work or support services for AutoSave and versiondog after January 1, 2026, with the exception of paid consulting services. To benefit from AUVESY-MDT’s continuous innovations and to have a long-term planning horizon, we strongly recommend our customers to switch to our new product octoplant.

To ensure that our customers can prepare for the discontinuation of AutoSave and versiondog, we will be phasing out the products and associated services.

This means:

  • from April 1, 2023, only existing customers will be able to purchase additional installations of versiondog and AutoSave.
  • from January 1, 2025, AutoSave and versiondog will no longer be sold.

All customers with a perpetual license can use AutoSave and versiondog beyond the EoL date. However, they cannot purchase additional licenses (for example, additional versiondog servers) and will not receive update and support services. Code work ends with the EoL date. This also means that future vulnerabilities will not be fixed and no new devices or editors will be integrated.

We strongly recommend all our customers to switch to octoplant to benefit from our latest product innovations and security updates in the long run.

As of January 1, 2023, we are focusing our development resources on octoplant to further improve product quality. This means that unfortunately there can be no further integration of new devices and editors into AutoSave and versiondog. To benefit from AUVESY-MDT’s continuous innovations, we strongly recommend our customers to switch to our new core product octoplant.

To ensure that our customers have sufficient lead time to prepare for the EoL of AutoSave and versiondog, we are offering updates for already integrated editors until January 1, 2025. From then on, integration of new devices and editors will initially be in octoplant. To benefit from AUVESY-MDT’s continuous innovations, we strongly recommend our customers to switch to our new core product octoplant.